About us

Tourist agency MAKIRINA TURIST d.o.o. PIROVAC, after national classification organizer – intermediary agency.

It was found in 1992, and is situated in center of a small historical town, Pirovac, which started to form itself in 1298.

The main business guidance of the company is offering a first class service with the highest

business standards for business partners and sincerely clients in domain of tourism, trading and marketing.

Offer and realisation of private and hotel accommodation through organized summer arrangements, organization of the attractive excursions in whole Croatia, sale of the most attractive dalmatian souvenirs, renting: scooters, bikes, different floats, cars, transfer, are the important part of whole tourist offer which replays almost all contemporary demands of consumers.

Near Internet presentation and on-line sale, our agency use other traditional ways of presentation and sale, through its own promotive publicity and brochures and through the catalogs of our partner agencies from Croatia and Europe.

Besides the main tourist office in Pirovac, our company has one of the most attractive shop with dalmatian souvenirs, Souvenir shop – Makirina in which we offer  many different original dalmatian souvenirs – mostly hand made, art works, gifts, shells, corals, decorative jewelry of shells and corals, toys for children and other tourist needs.

But special place in our program takes the apartment accommodation (over 800 attractive private apartments and 400 rooms).

We believe that You’ll find in our program a part of offer that perfectly replays to Your wishes and needs.

Your confidence we will award with quick, quality and professional service – on Your global pleasure.

Fotogalerija / Gallery

MAKIRINA TURIST d.o.o. vanjski prikaz
MAKIRINA TURIST d.o.o. vanjski prikaz
MAKIRINA TURIST d.o.o. unutarnji prikaz
MAKIRINA TURIST d.o.o. - suvenirnica
MAKIRINA TURIST d.o.o. - suveniri